Impact (4) Workbook


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底下是 Impact (4) Workbook 的內容簡介

Impact helps teenage learners better understand themselves, each other, and the world they, and the world they live in.

By encouraging self-expression, global citizenship, and active participation, Impact motivates students to explore who they are and who they want to be, all while learning English!

The Impact Workbook contains activities that reinforce and consolidate the content of the Student Book, and includes lstening, reading, writing, grammar, and vocabulary practice.

The Impact Workbook includes:

?10 pages of language practice, activities, and an additional reading for each unit

?Now I Can self-assessment sections, giving learners an opportunity to reflect on what they have learned and博客來網路書局 identify areas where they need additional practice

?Review sections, featuring question types commonly found on standardized axams

?Additional student-choice activities, providing opportunities for targeted skills practice

Impact Workbook audio is available for streaming and download at


  • 出版社:東華


  • 出版日期:2017/01/01
  • 語言:英文

商品網址: Impact (4) Workbook


作者 / friDay影音編輯部

由索尼影業(Sony Pictures)和漫威影業(Marvel Studios, LLC)聯手打造的《蜘蛛人:返校日》(Spider-Man: Homecoming),為蜘蛛人正式回歸漫威電影宇宙(MCU, Marvel Cinematic Universe)的全新作品,第三代「彼得帕克」(Peter Parker)由聲勢看漲的英國小帥哥湯姆霍蘭德(Tom Holland)飾演,本次重返緊身衣小子的高校時光,帶來最不同以往的蜘蛛人魅力。


《蜘蛛人:返校日》聚焦在《美國隊長3:英雄內戰》(Captain America : Civil War)後,鋼鐵人與美國隊長均雙雙現身擔任陪襯紅花的完美綠葉,完整串起更多蜘蛛人重回漫威電影宇宙後的故事設定。而鋼鐵人東尼史塔克本次扮演起「心靈導師」(!)的角色,不僅提供小蜘蛛可遇不可求、裝備全面升級的超殺蜘蛛戰袍,更試圖指引這位初嘗正義滋味的「鄰家英雄」不要步上錯誤後塵,首次帶出更多英雄故事背後的心路糾結歷程!


史塔克工業(Stark Industries)不愧非省油的燈,全新的蜘蛛戰袍究竟有多殺?!老實說,要多殺就有多殺!全新蜘蛛裝堪稱史上最強,光是發射蜘蛛絲就有576種組合、提供全自動上裝服務,不僅有記錄、竊聽功能,胸前可拆式的「蜘蛛偵查機」可轉換為無人機、將情蒐傳回蜘蛛裝;「感應式蜘蛛噴射網」更能在蜘蛛網發射後,於接近目標時爆裂予以致命一擊等,肯定讓粉絲們眼睛為之一亮!




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